SxSW Interactive
SxSW Interactive, opening Party All media display design, technical and creative direction by Andrew Wade Smith
More Media Installation:
Despite my career path, I am not one who feels that every square inch of the world should one day be covered in pixels. While the technical tools for the marriage of media to environment continually entice me, I am mindful of what artist Ali Moneni described to me as "the tyranny of the RGB"
Lovejoy Studio/ Thanks to team Spitball: Joel Jackson, Joel Lesher, Jesse Blanchard, Candace Lapp, Brent Williams, Jonathan Wright.
With live cymatic demonstration from Eric Buchner
Napa Lighted Arts Festival 2017
Good Gallery in Portland, OR. Creative support: Ryan Olson, Brent Williams
Image capture, music and sound design:
All image capture music, sound design and post production by: Andrew Wade Smith