Laurie Shefsky
I have been working with Laurie on projects since the early 1990s. I love her immensely and I am deeply indebted to her.
A natural who perhaps found her creative voice in a previous life and brought into this one fully formed… She has an ease of channeling bold musical ideas which have excited, inspired and pushed me since I have known her. She is profoundly elegant with a guitar in her hands and wickedly creative and willing on bass as well. There is little more creatively satisfying than facilitating her work within our enduring relationship...
Laurie doesn't sit around on the couch with all of her guitars like this—- I made her pull them all out… at least a couple are missing here including her immaculate Fender Precision bass
“…A sign of what I think of as a great guitar player is not so much in their technical ability, but in hearing their uniqueness to the point that you see there face when you hear their sound… Laurie has the style of styles… Her organic approach is instantly recognizable with it’s beautiful dissonance and ballsy rock… it is at once ethereal, melodic and percussive” -Scott Guion (artist/musician and legendary New Orleans guitar shredder)